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Astronomical Society of the Pacific Honors Caltech Achievements

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Honors Caltech Achievements

Heidi Aspaturian

A constellation of Caltechers has been honored this week by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the world's largest general astronomy society. The ASP announced eight 2010 awards for "excellence in astronomy research and education," four of them recognizing people and programs affiliated with the Caltech community.

Caltech Physicist Named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow

Caltech Physicist Named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow

Jon Weiner

Caltech's H. Jeff Kimble named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow.

Caltech Astrophysicist Awarded Dan David Prize

Caltech Astrophysicist Awarded Dan David Prize

Deborah Williams-Hedges

Andrew Lange of Caltech has been awarded the 2009 Dan David Prize along with Paolo De Bernardis of the University La Sapienza in Rome and Paul Richards of the University of California, Berkeley. Lange and De Bernardis have been recognized for leading the BOOMERanG experiment, which provided the first undisputed evidence of the universe's flat geometry. Richards's MAXIMA experiment confirmed the result soon after.

Caltech's David Baltimore and Fiona Harrison Named among America's Best Leaders for 2008

Caltech's David Baltimore and Fiona Harrison Named among America's Best Leaders for 2008

Lori Oliwenstein
Two prominent researchers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have been named among the country's 24 top leaders by U.S. News Media Group in association with the Center for Public Leadership (CPL) at Harvard Kennedy School.
MacArthur Foundation Names Alexei Kitaev Latest Caltech "Genius"

MacArthur Foundation Names Alexei Kitaev Latest Caltech "Genius"

Sonia Chernobieff
Alexei Kitaev, a California Institute of Technology (Caltech) faculty member, has been named a MacArthur Fellow, winning one of the five-year, $500,000 grants that are awarded annually to creative, original individuals and that are often referred to as the "genius" awards.
Astrophysicist Wins One of First Kavli Prizes

Astrophysicist Wins One of First Kavli Prizes

elisabeth nadin
Quasars--now known to be compact halos of matter that surround the massive black holes of distant galaxies--were once thought to be stars in our own galaxy. Now, Maarten Schmidt, who showed that quasars are thousands of millions of light-years away from Earth, has been named one of the first recipients of the $1 million Kavli Prize for his contributions to the field of astrophysics.
Physicist Hirosi Ooguri Awarded for Novel Research on Black Holes

Physicist Hirosi Ooguri Awarded for Novel Research on Black Holes

Jacqueline Scahill
Hirosi Ooguri, the Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology, is a corecipient of the first ever Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics, awarded by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The prize, created in 2006, has gone to Ooguri and coauthors Andrew Strominger and Cumrun Vafa of Harvard University for their paper "Black hole attractors and the topological string," published in 2004.
Caltech Observatory Receives Science Education Award

Caltech Observatory Receives Science Education Award

Jill Perry
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in Hanford, Washington, which was created by the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and funded by the National Science Foundation, has received a science education award.
Caltech Physicist Marc Kamionkowski Named Winner of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award

Caltech Physicist Marc Kamionkowski Named Winner of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award

Robert Tindol

Marc Kamionkowski, the Robinson Professor of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at Caltech, has been named one of eight winners of the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award. The announcement was made today by U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman in Washington, D.C.

Caltech Professor Receives German Award for Laser Innovations

Caltech Professor Receives German Award for Laser Innovations

Deborah Williams-Hedges
H. Jeff Kimble, Valentine Professor and professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology, has been chosen by the German foundation Berthold Leibinger Stiftung as the initial recipient of its new Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis ("Future Prize").