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New Center Supports Data-Driven Research

New Center Supports Data-Driven Research

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
The new Center for Data-Driven Discovery makes advanced computational tools available to researchers from all six Caltech divisions, plus JPL researchers.
Fu, Harrison, and Preskill Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Fu, Harrison, and Preskill Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Cynthia Eller
Three professors at Caltech—Gregory Fu, Fiona Harrison, and John Preskill—have been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences.
Notes from the Back Row: "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing"

Notes from the Back Row: "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing"

Douglas Smith
John Preskill, the Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, is hooked on quanta.
Watson Lecture: "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing"

Watson Lecture: "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing"

Douglas Smith
John Preskill, the Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, is himself deeply entangled in the quantum world. Different rules apply there, and objects that obey them are now being made in our world, as he explains at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, in Caltech's Beckman Auditorium. Admission is free.
From Theory to Reality: An Interview with Jason Alicea

From Theory to Reality: An Interview with Jason Alicea

Marcus Woo
Quantum computers have been touted as the next leap in technology. Although useful quantum-computing technology is probably years—and possibly decades—away, physicists like Jason Alicea are working hard to make it a reality.
Jason Alicea in front of a chalkboard
High-Energy Physicists Smash Records for Network Data Transfer

High-Energy Physicists Smash Records for Network Data Transfer

Marcus Woo
Physicists led Caltech have smashed yet another series of records for data-transfer speed. The international team of high-energy physicists, computer scientists, and network engineers reached a transfer rate of 339 gigabits per second.
High-Energy Physicists Set Record for Network Data Transfer

High-Energy Physicists Set Record for Network Data Transfer

Marcus Woo

Researchers have set a new world record for data transfer, helping to usher in the next generation of high-speed network technology. The international team was able to transfer data in opposite directions at a combined rate of 186 gigabits per second (Gbps) in a wide-area network circuit. The rate is equivalent to moving two million gigabytes per day, fast enough to transfer nearly 100,000 full Blu-ray disks—each with a complete movie and all the extras—in a day.

Caltech Awarded $12.6 Million for New Institute for Quantum Information and Matter

Caltech Awarded $12.6 Million for New Institute for Quantum Information and Matter

Kimm Fesenmaier

Caltech has been awarded $12.6 million in funding over the next five years by the National Science Foundation to create a new Physics Frontiers Center. Dubbed the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), the center will bring physicists and computer scientists together to push theoretical and experimental boundaries in the study of exotic quantum states.

Physicists Transcribe Entanglement into and out of a Quantum Memory

Physicists Transcribe Entanglement into and out of a Quantum Memory

elisabeth nadin
Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have laid the groundwork for a crucial step in quantum information science. They show how entanglement, an essential property of quantum mechanics, can be generated between beams of light, stored in a quantum memory, and mapped back into light with the push of a button.
High-Speed Data Transfer System Garners Outreach Award

High-Speed Data Transfer System Garners Outreach Award

elisabeth nadin
The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) has rewarded researchers at the California Institute of Technology for better connecting physicists worldwide. Lead project scientist Harvey Newman, professor of physics at Caltech, Julian Bunn of the Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research, and their international team of researchers will receive a trophy for Innovations in Networking at a ceremony in Oakland, California, on March 11.