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Monday, October 29, 2018
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Linde Hall 387

Algebra and Geometry Seminar

On rigid varieties with projective reduction
Shizang Li, Mathematics Department, Columbia University,
Bosch, Lutkebohmert and Raynaud laid down the foundations relating formal and rigid geometry. The type of questions they treat are mostly concerned with going from the rigid side to formal side. In this talk, we will see what geometric consequences one can deduce under the assumption that the rigid space has a projective reduction. In this talk, I shall first say some background of rigid geometry and Raynaud's theory of formal models along with some examples. Then I will state the main theorem and a corollary. If time permitted, I will say something about the proof.
For more information, please contact Mathematics Dept. by phone at 626-395-4335 or by email at [email protected].