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Monday, February 03, 2020
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Linde Hall 387

Algebra and Geometry Seminar

Derived traces for Soergel categories
Eugene Gorsky, Department of Mathematics, UC Davis,

It is well known that Hecke algebra is spanned by braids modulo skein relations, while the span of closed braids in the annulus modulo skein relations is isomorphic to the space of symmetric functions. I will describe a categorification of these results: the category of Soergel bimodules categories the Hecke algebra, while the annular closure corresponds to the formalism of "derived horizontal trace". Along the way, I will explicitly compute Hochschild homology of the category of Soergel bimodules.

All notions will be explained in the talk. This is a joint work in progress with Matt Hogancamp and Paul Wedrich.

For more information, please contact Math Department by phone at 626-395-4335 or by email at [email protected].