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Mail Code M/C
Pasadena, CA 91125
Individuals may be reached by phone at 626-395-Ext.
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Division Administration |
Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Division Chair | Fiona Harrison | 4241 | 103-33 | fahpma @ caltech |
Assistant to the Division Chair | Sue Mitchell | 4249 | 103-33 | sue.k.mitchell @ caltech |
Division Operations Officer | Shawna Silesky | 8464 | 103-33 | ssilesky @ caltech |
Business Operations Supervisor | Nancy Roth-Rappard | 3913 | 103-33 | nrappard @ caltech |
Financial Analyst | Marcella Ta | 3747 | 103-33 | marcella @ its.caltech |
Director of Student Programming | Nam Ung | 4037 | 103-33 | namung @ caltech |
Academic Affairs Manager | Jessica Varlet | 3821 | 103-33 | jvarlet @ caltech |
Graduate Affairs Coordinator | Mika Walton | 4203 | 103-33 | mika.walton @ caltech |
Undergraduate Affairs and Course Coordinator | Belen Maria Hernandez | 4336 | 253-37 | belenmh @ caltech |
PMA Facilities Lead | Charles Osthelder | 626-872-8700 | 103-33 | costheld @ caltech |
PMA Project Coordinator | Denise Lu | 1392 | 103-33 | deniselu @ caltech |
Academic Administration |
PHYSICS | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Executive Officer for Physics | David Hsieh | 4758 |
100-36 | dhsieh @ caltech |
Administrative Assistant | Stephanie Malin | 6611 |
103-33 |
smalin @ caltech |
Physics Graduate Option Representative | Ryan Patterson | 5753 | 356-48 | rbpatter @ caltech |
Physics Graduate Office | Mika Walton | 4203 | 103-33 | mika.walton @ caltech |
Physics Undergraduate Option Representative | Jason Alicea | 2934 | 149-33 | aliceaj @ caltech |
Physics Undergraduate Office | Belen Maria Hernandez |
4336 | 253-37 | belenmh @ caltech |
Computer Systems Manager | Chris Mach | 2299 | 103-33 | cmach @ alice.caltech |
Freshman & Senior Labs | Eric Black | 3858 | 264-33 | blacke @ its.caltech |
Computation Lab | Chris Mach | 2299 | 103-33 | cmach @ alice.caltech |
Sophomore Lab | Frank Rice | 3660 | 103-33 | rice @ its.caltech |
MATHEMATICS | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Executive Officer for Mathematics | Tom Graber | 4359 | 253-37 | graber @ caltech |
Mathematics Graduate Option Representative | David Conlon | 2592 | 253-37 | dconlon @ caltech |
Mathematics Graduate Office | Mika Walton | 4203 | 103-33 | mika.walton @ caltech |
Mathematics Undergraduate Option Representative | Elena Mantovan | 4342 | 253-37 | mantovan @ caltech |
Mathematics Undergraduate Office | Belen Maria Hernandez |
4336 | 253-37 |
belenmh @ caltech |
ASTRONOMY | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Executive Officer for Astronomy | Andrew Howard | 8747 |
249-17 |
eo @ caltech |
Deputy Executive Officer for Astronomy | Sunil Golwala | 8003 | 367-17 | golwala @ caltech |
Astronomy Graduate Office | Mika Walton | 4203 | 103-33 | mika.walton @ caltech |
Astronomy Undergraduate Office | Belen Maria Hernandez |
4336 | 253-37 | belenmh @ caltech |
Astronomy Option Representative | Lynne Hillenbrand | 6587 | 249-17 | lah @ astro.caltech |
Administrator | Gita Patel | 4169 | 249-17 | gp @ astro.caltech |
Assistant | Judy McClain | 4970 | 249-17 | jlm @ astro.caltech |
Research Administration |
PHYSICS | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Condensed Matter Physics (Bridge Annex & West Bridge) | Loly Ekmekjian Stephanie Malin Annika Keating |
4314 6611 6115 |
149-33 103-33 103-33 |
loly @ caltech smalin @ caltech akeating @ caltech |
High Energy Physics (Lauritsen) | Tracy Sheffer Leona Kershaw |
4116 4515 |
356-48 356-48 |
tsheffer @ caltech lkershaw @ caltech |
Infrared Astronomy (Cahill) | Judy McClain | 4970 | 249-17 | jlm @ astro.caltech |
Institute for Quantum Information (Annenberg) | Bonnie Leung | 2933 | 149-33 | bjleung @ caltech |
Institute for Quantum Information & Matter (West Bridge) | Marcia Brown Bonnie Leung |
4013 2933 |
103-33 149-33 |
marcia.brown @ caltech bjleung @ caltech |
IPAC (Morrisroe) | Narot Piric Nancy Paradise |
1802 1810 |
100-22 100-22 |
nbahar @ ipac.caltech paradise @ caltech |
LIGO - Assistant to the Executive Director & Deputy Director (East Bridge) | Nately Sych | 3064 | 100-36 | nsych @ caltech |
Low Temperature Physics (Bridge Annex) | Loly Ekmekjian | 4314 | 149-33 | loly @ caltech |
Nuclear Physics (Kellogg Lab) | Leona Kershaw | 4515 | 106-38 | lkershaw @ caltech |
Numerical Relativity (Cahill) | JoAnn Boyd | 4280 | 350-17 | joann @ caltech |
Observational Cosmology (Cahill) | Shelly Aguda | 6608 | 367-17 | saguda @ caltech |
SPHEREx (Cahill) | Shelly Aguda | 6608 | 367-17 | saguda @ caltech |
Spitzer Science Center (Keith Spalding) | Narot Piric | 1802 | 100-22 | npiric @ ipac.caltech |
Space Radiation Laboratory (SRL) (Cahill) | Kendall Kleinberg | 6611 | 290-17 | kendallk @ caltech |
Space Astrophysics (Cahill) | Gita Patel | 4169 | 249-17 | gp @ astro.caltech |
Submillimeter Astrophysics (Cahill) | Shelly Aguda | 6611 | 290-17 | saguda @ caltech |
Theoretical Astrophysics Including Relativity & Cosmology (TAPIR) (Cahill) | JoAnn Boyd | 4280 | 350-17 | joann @ caltech |
Theoretical High Energy Physics (Lauritsen) | Carol Silberstein | 6685 | 452-48 | carol @ theory.caltech |
Dark Matter & Dark Energy Observation & Instrumentation (Cahill) | Shelly Aguda | 6608 | 367-17 | saguda @ caltech |
MATHEMATICS | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Mathematics Administrative Staff Offices | Michelle Vine Camryn Good |
3817 3310 |
253-37 253-37 |
vine @ caltech cgood @ caltech |
ASTRONOMY | Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Astronomy Department | Gita Patel Judy McClain |
4169 4970 |
249-17 249-17 |
gp @ astro.caltech jlm @ astro.caltech |
Caltech Optical Observatories | Lesly Nunez | 3911 | 11-17 | lesly @ astro.caltech |
Palomar Observatory | Kajsa Peffer (Off-site) | 760-742-2100 | 11-17PAL | kvp @ astro.caltech |
Radio Astronomy, OVRO | Stephanie Cha-Ramos | 3886 | 249-17 | charamos @ caltech |
Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) | Holly Novack | 1602 | 102-8 | hnovack @ caltech |
Research Center Directors |
Name | Ext. | M/C | |
Caltech Optical Observatories (COO) - Director | Christopher Martin | 4243 | 274-17 | coo-director @ astro.caltech |
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) - Director | Sunil Golwala | 8003 | 367-17 | golwala @ caltech |
Center for Data Driven Discovery (CDDD) - Director | George Djorgovski | 4415 | 249-17 | george @ astro.caltech |
Chajnantor Observatory - Director | Simon Radford | 3741 | 301-17 | sradford @ caltech |
IPAC - Executive Director | George Helou | 1900 | 100-22 | gxh @ ipac.caltech |
Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI) - Co-Directors | Oskar Painter Nai-Chang Yeh |
8008 4313 |
128-95 149-33 |
opainter @ caltech ncyeh @ caltech |
Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) - Executive Director | David Reitze | 6274 | 100-36 | dreitze @ caltech |
Michelson Science Center (MSC) - Director | Shrinivas R. Kulkarni | 4010 | 249-17 | srk @ astro.caltech |
Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) - Director | Gregg Hallinan | 4726 | 249-17 | gh @ astro.caltech |
Spitzer Science Center (SSC) - Director | B. Thomas Soifer | 4241 | 103-33 | bts @ astro.caltech |