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PMA Graduate Student Advisory Board

The PMA graduate student advisory board advises the division on topics that are important to students, shares feedback, and helps provide insights and planning for future and ongoing student programming. Members of the board represent a mixture of research disciplines and stages of graduate education. The board meets with the Graduate Program Director and Graduate Affairs Coordinator approximately once a month and with the PMA Chair approximately once a term.


Meetings and Minutes

Minutes from AY 2023-2024 meetings:

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

November 2023

October 2023

For archived minutes from previous meetings, please click here

Committee Members



Laura Cui, G1
Madison Howard, G2
Faraz Mostafaeipour, G2
Anika Patel, G1


Andrew Graven, G3
Dylan King, G2


Dee Dunne, G3
Jessie Miller, G3


Mika Walton, PMA Graduate Affairs Coordinator/Options Manager
Nam Ung, PMA Director of Student Programs