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Monday, November 16, 2015
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Geometry and Topology Seminar

A higher-height lift of Rohlin's Theorem: on \eta^3
Mike Hill, Professor, Mathematics, UCLA,

Rohlin's theorem on the signature of Spin 4-manifolds can be restated in terms of the connection between real and complex K-theory given by homotopy fixed points. This comes from a bordism result about Real manifolds versus unoriented manifolds, which in turn, comes from a C_2-equivariant story . I'll describe a surprising analogue of this for larger cyclic 2 groups, showing that the element eta cubed is never detected! In particular, for any bordism theory orienting these generalizations of Real manifolds, the three torus is always a boundary. 

For more information, please contact Faramarz Vafaee by email at [email protected] or visit