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Friday, October 30, 2015
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Lauritsen 469

Special HEP Seminar

The sPHENIX Detector at RHIC
Dr. Craig Woody, Physics Department, Brookhaven National Lab,

The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC is planning a series of major upgrades that will enable a comprehensive measurement of jets in relativistic heavy ion collisions. These upgrades will include a number of major new detector systems. The first stage, sPHENIX, will be based around the former BaBar solenoid magnet and will include two new large    calorimeters, one electromagnetic and another hadronic, along with a new tracking system. With the evolution of RHIC into an Electron Ion Collider (eRHIC), additional detectors would be added to enable a   detailed study of electron-nucleus collisions. This talk will discuss the evolution of the current PHENIX detector from sPHENIX to eRHIC and the progress on the development of these various detector systems.


For more information, please contact Ren-yuan Zhu by phone at 626-395-6661 or by email at zhu@hep.caltech.edu.