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Tuesday, February 07, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Noyes 147 (J. Holmes Sturdivant Lecture Hall)

Chemical Physics Seminar

Single-Molecule Spectroscopy with Catalysts, Conductive Polymers, and Optical Microresonators
Randall H. Goldsmith, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison,

Measurements on individual molecules have revolutionized how chemists can perceive molecular properties and dynamics, yet single-molecule techniques can only be applied with considerable experimental constraints.  The Goldsmith group develops new tools through chemical synthesis, micro and nanophotonics, and microfluidics that allow single-molecule techniques to be applied in previously inaccessible scenarios and enable new measurements.  I will discuss recent measurements on the initiation of individual organometallic catalysts, observation of single-molecule binding dynamics at millimolar concentrations, detecting the heat dissipated from molecules using optical microresonators, hybrid photonic-plasmonic systems, and spectroscopy on individual conductive polymer molecules.

For more information, please contact Priscilla Boon by phone at 626-395-6524 or by email at