Friday, February 24, 2017
3:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Geometry and Topology Seminar
Pin(2)-equivariant Floer homology and homology cobordism
Matthew Stoffegren,
Mathematics Department,
We review Manolescu's construction of the Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer stable homotopy type, and apply it to the study of the 3-dimensional homology cobordism group. We introduce the `local equivalence' group, and construct a homomorphism from the homology cobordism group to the local equivalence group. We then apply Manolescu's Floer homotopy type to obstruct cobordisms between Seifert spaces. In particular, we show the existence of integral homology spheres not homology cobordant to any Seifert space. We also introduce connected Floer homology, an invariant of homology cobordism taking values in isomorphism classes of modules.
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