Wednesday, May 17, 2017
4:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Downs 103
Combinatorics Seminar
Series: Combinatorics Seminar Series
The critical exponent of a graph
Apoorva Khare,
Department of Mathematics & Department of Statistics,
Stanford University,
Given a graph G, let P_G denote the cone of positive semidefinite (psd) matrices with zero pattern according to G. Which powers preserve psd-ness when applied entrywise to all matrices in P_G?
In recent joint work with D. Guillot and B. Rajaratnam, we show how preserving positivity relates to the geometry of the graph G. This leads us to propose a novel graph invariant: the "critical exponent" of G. Our main result shows how this combinatorial invariant resolves the problem for all chordal graphs. We also report on progress for several families of non-chordal graphs.
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