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Tuesday, August 22, 2017
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Annenberg 107

IQI Weekly Seminar

Investigations of quantum heuristics for optimization
Eleanor Rieffel, NASA Ames Research Center,


We describe the Quantum Alternating Operator Anzatz (QAOA), a reworking of the acronym and generalization of Farhi, Goldstone, and Gutmann Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm [1]. We then discuss our work demonstrating that the QAOA is powerful enough to obtain the O(\sqrt N) query complexity on Grover's problem, and inspiring a novel quantum algorithm for this problem, the first within the QAOA framework to show a quantum advantage for a number of iterations  p of the alternating operators, in the intermediate range between p = 1 and p < 1 [2]; a novel temporal planning approach for compiling QAOA circuits to realistic hardware[3]; an analysis of the parameter landscape for the simple problem of MaxCut on a ring [4]; and a framework for designing QAOA circuits for a variety of optimization problems with both soft and hard constraints, including examples for a variety of challenging combinatorial optimization problems [5]. We conclude with a discussion of future research directions.


[1] A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm.

    Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone, and Sam Gutmann.


[2] Near-optimal quantum circuit for Grover's unstructured search using a transverse field

    Zhang Jiang, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Zhihui Wang, Phys. Rev. A 95, 062317 (2017)


[3] Compiling Quantum Circuits to Realistic Hardware Architectures using Temporal Planners

    Davide Venturelli, Minh Do, Eleanor Rieffel, Jeremy Frank, Proceedings of IJCAI 2017, and ICAPS SPARK Workshop 2017


[4] The Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm for MaxCut: A Fermionic View

    Zhihui Wang, Stuart Hadfield, Zhang Jiang, Eleanor G. Rieffel,


[5] Quantum approximate optimization with hard and soft constraints.

    Stuart Hadfield, ZhihuiWang, Eleanor Rieffel, Bryan O'Gorman, Davide Venturelli, Rupak Biswas.

    In preparation.























For more information, please contact Bonnie Leung by phone at 626.395.4964 or by email at bjleung@caltech.edu.