Thursday, November 30, 2017
4:00 PM -
6:00 PM
Building 15, Room 104
Number Theory Seminar
Series: Number Theory Seminar Series
Supercuspidal L-packets
Tasho Kaletha,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan ,
Harish-Chandra has given a simple and explicit classification of the discrete series representations of reductive groups over the real numbers. We will describe a very similar classification that holds for a large proportion of the supercuspidal representations of reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields (which we may call regular). The analogy runs deeper: there is a remarkable parallel between the characters of regular supercuspidal representations and the characters of discrete series representations of real reductive groups. This leads to an explicit construction of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete Langlands parameters with trivial monodromy (without regularity assumptions), under mild conditions on the residual characteristic.
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