Monday, October 16, 2017
4:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Building 15, Room 104
Algebra and Geometry Seminar
Parallel transport and the p-adic Simpson correspondence
Daxin Xu,
Department of Mathematics,
Deninger and Werner developed an analogue for p-adic curves of the classical correspondence of Narasimhan and Seshadri between stable bundles of degree zero and unitary representations of the topological fundamental group for a complex smooth proper curve. Using parallel transport, they associated functorially to every vector bundle on a p-adic curve whose reduction is strongly semi-stable of degree 0 a p-adic representation of the étale fundamental group of the curve. They asked several questions: whether their functor is fully faithful and what is its essential image; whether the cohomology of the local systems produced by this functor admits a Hodge-Tate filtration; and whether their construction is compatible with the p-adic Simpson correspondence developed by Faltings. We will answer these questions in this talk
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