Friday, February 03, 2023
11:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Online and In-Person Event
High Energy Theory Seminar
Nonperturbative scattering amplitudes from dispersive iterations of unitarity
Alexander Zhiboedov,
I will discuss a computational scheme that allows to construct relativistic scattering
amplitudes that obey analyticity, crossing, elastic and inelastic unitarity in three and four spacetime dimension.
I will present the results of numerical implementation of this scheme. The amplitude functions we
obtain in this way exhibit interesting properties: particle production, Landau curves, nontrivial
Regge limit, logarithmic running. I will comment on the relation to the S-matrix bounds derived by other methods.
In person attendees (469 Lauritsen) must have a valid Caltech ID.
Contact [email protected] for Zoom information.
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