Friday, February 24, 2023
11:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Online and In-Person Event
High Energy Theory Seminar
Coupled minimal models revisited
Conor Behan,
Oxford University,
Coupled Ising models in d dimensions and coupled q-state Potts models in 2 dimensions have been popular theoretical laboratories in statistical physics for many years. RG flows triggered by coupling higher minimal models in 2 dimensions have received much less attention which is surprising because they can be made arbitrarily short. I will give an overview of the zoo of fixed points one can obtain in this way and describe an algorithm for checking which chiral algebra generators in the UV survive in the IR. This will provide strong evidence that the fixed points are compact, unitary, irrational CFTs with only Virasoro symmetry.
In person attendees (469 Lauritsen) must have a valid Caltech ID.
Contact [email protected] for Zoom information.
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