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Wednesday, February 01, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cahill, Hameetman Auditorium

Astronomy Colloquium

Probing Galaxy Physics with ISM Emission Lines
Shengqi Yang, CTAC Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Observatories,

Line emission from the interstellar medium (ISM) provides a powerful probe of the ISM physical properties and can help address many unsolved problems in astrophysics, including the formation of the first galaxies during the Epoch of Reionization, and the physics responsible for the decline in star formation after the Cosmic Noon. The collection of unprecedented ALMA, JWST, and line intensity mapping (LIM) measurements for multiple ISM emission lines will therefore provide new insights into the nature of high-redshift galaxies, and strong tests of state-of-the-art galaxy formation models. In this talk I will present emission line models for multiple strong star formation tracers, including OIII, CII, CO, and CI lines. I will then show example applications of these models in galaxy survey measurement interpretation, LIM survey forecast, and LIM mock data generation. Finally, I will show the prospects of combining these models with hydrodynamic simulations to achieve fast ISM emission post-processing and reliable simulation-observation comparison. 

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