Tuesday, January 24, 2023
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM
Online Event
Caltech/UCLA/USC Joint Analysis Seminar
Illposedness for vortex patches of the Euler and alpha-SQG equations
Xiaoyutao Luo,
Department of Mathematics,
Duke University,
I will talk about joint work with A. Kiselev (Duke) on patch solutions of the Euler and alpha-SQG equations. It is well-known that the vortex patch of the 2D Euler equation is globally well-posed in non-endpoint Holder spaces. We prove that the Euler vortex patch is ill-posed at the C^2 endpoint by showing the existence of a patch with C^2 initial data such that the curvature of the patch boundary becomes infinite instantaneously. The alpha-SQG equations are a family of active scalar interpolating the 2D Euler and SQG equations. In contrast to the Euler case, we show that the alpha-SQG patch, in a suitable regime of regularity, is ill-posed in all non-L^2 Sobolev spaces and Holder spaces.
Event Sponsors:
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