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Friday, May 19, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online and In-Person Event

High Energy Theory Seminar

Non-Invertible Symmetries in Higher Dimensions
Konstantinos Roumpedakis,

In the last two years it has been shown that there are several theories in d > 2 dimensions with non-invertible symmetries. In most cases, these symmetries are realized in two different ways, namely, by higher gauging or half-space gauging.  After reviewing these two constructions, I will argue that 4-dimensional Maxwell theory has three infinite sets of non-invertible symmetries. The first two act only on Wilson and 't Hooft lines while the third acts as an SO(2) rotation on the field strength and its dual, but still non-invertibly on line operators. I will then describe an elementary way to construct the topological defects that generate these non-invertible symmetries in terms of a Lagrangian. 

In person attendees (469 Lauritsen) must have a valid Caltech ID.

Contact theoryinfo@caltech.edu for Zoom information.