Monday, July 31, 2023
12:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Annenberg 213
Special ACM Seminar
Neural Signature Kernels as Infinite-Width Limits of Neural Controlled Differential Equations
Cristopher Salvi,
Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Department of Mathematics,
Imperial College - London,
Motivated by the paradigm of reservoir computing, I will consider randomly initialized neural controlled differential equations and show that in the infinite-width limit and under proper rescaling of the vector fields, these neural architectures converge weakly to Gaussian processes indexed on path-space and with covariances satisfying certain PDEs varying according to the choice of activation function. In the special case where the activation function is the identity, the equation reduces to a linear PDE and the limiting kernel agrees with the original signature kernel.
This is based on joint work with Nicola M. Cirone and Maud Lemercier.
Event Sponsors:
For more information, please contact Diana Bohler by phone at 6263951768 or by email at