Thursday, February 01, 2024
4:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Linde Hall 387
Number Theory Seminar
Series: Number Theory Seminar Series
On the K-theory of Z/p^n
Achim Krause,
Mathematisches Institut,
Universitat Muenster,
Algebraic K-theory of Z/p was computed by Quillen shortly after defining higher K-groups. On the contrary, K(Z/p^n) for n>1 has so far eluded computation in all but the smallest degrees. Based on the recently discovered prismatic cohomology, we compute algebraic K-theory of those rings. We do not quite obtain closed-form descriptions, but our calculation is completely effective and we have turned it into a program computing K-theory through an arbitrary range of degrees. In this talk, I want to give an overview over our methods.
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