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Monday, February 05, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)

Special LIGO Seminar

Experimental prototype of a phase-insensitive quantum filter for sensitivity enhancement of gravitational-wave detectors.
Artemy Dmitriev,


Speaker: Artemy Dmitriev

Title: Experimental prototype of a phase-insensitive quantum filter for sensitivity enhancement of gravitational-wave detectors.

Phase-insensitive quantum filtering can be used to improve the shot-noise-limited sensitivity of gravitational-wave interferometers in a broad frequency range. This approach is an alternative to the use of squeezed states and is robust to the output optical loss.
The talk will explore the proof-of-principle quantum filter experiment at the University of Birmingham. The prototype is based on a self-stabilizing PT-symmetric optomechanical setup, inspired by the theoretical work of Caltech and UWA [1]. The experimental realisation involves a pre-stressed silicon nitride membrane, which is dispersively coupled to a meter-scale system of optical cavities. The speaker will describe the concepts underlying the prototype, present the latest results, and discuss future plans and goals.

[1] Li, Xiang, et al. "Broadband sensitivity improvement via coherent quantum feedback with PT symmetry." arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00836 (2020)

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at lmthomas@caltech.edu.