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Friday, February 09, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)

LIGO Seminar

Magnetic Noise Injection Scripts and Preliminary Results for The Virgo Detector
Catalina Miritescu,


Speaker: Catalina Miritescu

Title: Magnetic Noise Injection Scripts and Preliminary Results for The Virgo Detector

Abstract: With the aim of understanding Virgo detector's response to magnetic fields, automatic scripts for far-field magnetic injections have been developed, which give the possibility to inject lines, colored noise or to perform sweep injections in a user-friendly manner in the Central Building (CEB) and the two end buildings, North End Building (NEB) and West End Building (WEB). The parameters of these injections (such as the frequency, duration and amplitude) can be modified in a configuration file as needed. More than that, calculations of the coupling function (CF) between witness magnetometer sensors and the detector's response are available. Preliminary results of CF values of injections performed during commissioning with the new O4 hardware improvements and set-up are being presented, both before the interventions which delayed Virgo's participation in O4a, and also more recent injections performed during preparation for O4b. A brief comparison with O3 coupling function values follows. During O4b, magnetic injections will be performed automatically and TF values will be computed on a weekly basis to monitor any existing variations.

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at lmthomas@caltech.edu.