Wednesday, May 29, 2024
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM
Online Event
Logic Seminar
Series: Logic Seminar Series
Borel graphable equivalence relations
Patrick Lutz,
Department of Mathematics,
UC Berkeley,
Please note that the time is PST
In his thesis, Arant introduced and studied the notion of Borel graphability: an analytic equivalence relation E on X is Borel graphable if there is a Borel graph on X whose connectivity relation is equal to E. We will discuss two instances of Borel graphability with surprising properties. First, we will consider an equivalence relation arising from computability theory which is Borel graphable if and only if there is a non-constructible real. Second, we will explore the question of which Polish group actions have Borel graphable orbit equivalence relations and we will show that this is the case whenever the group is connected. This is joint work with Tyler Arant and Alekos Kechris.
Event Sponsors:
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