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Friday, November 15, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online and In-Person Event

High Energy Theory Seminar

Generalized entropy of gravitational fluctuations
Sean Colin-Ellerin, UC Berkeley,

Quantum corrections to holographic entanglement entropy are well-established for ordinary quantum matter coupled to classical gravity. These famously lead to a unitary Page curve for an evaporating black hole in AdS (coupled to a bath). However, it is a longstanding problem how to properly treat quantum fluctuations of the metric, namely gravitons. I will provide a gauge-invariant prescription for the generalized entropy of gravitons in AdS in terms of areas and bulk entanglement entropy. An explicit check of this prescription will then be given. First, I will compute the vacuum-subtracted entanglement entropy for stress-tensor excited states for highly symmetric subregions in any conformal field theory in any dimension d>2, satisfying the holographic conditions of large N and large Delta_{gap}. Then I will canonically quantize the graviton in AdS and compute its vacuum-subtracted generalized entropy using our prescription, finding exact agreement with the CFT result. Based on work to appear soon with Guanda Lin and Geoff Penington.

The talk is in 469 Lauritsen.

Contact for Zoom information.