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Wednesday, November 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online and In-Person Event

High Energy Theory Seminar

Interacting Dark Radiation and Cosmological Tensions
Hengameh Bagherian, Harvard University,

Models of interacting dark radiation have been proposed to alleviate the Hubble tension. Extensions that couple dark matter and dark radiation (DM-DR) offer potential solutions to both the Hubble and Large-Scale Structure (LSS) tensions. To address LSS tensions, these models introduce a break in the matter power spectrum (MPS), suppressing power for modes entering the horizon before DM-DR interactions turn off. Resolving the Hubble tension requires dark radiation to emerge just before matter-radiation equality (MRE) and dilute afterward.

In this talk, I introduce a few proposed models and evaluate them against LSS probes: weak lensing, CMB lensing, full-shape galaxy clustering, and eBOSS measurements of the 1D Lyman-a forest flux power spectrum, as well as Hubble constant measurements from the SH0ES collaboration. The Lyman-a data are particularly constraining due to their sensitivity to small scales where many models predict significant deviations. Indeed, eBOSS Lyman-a data already show tension with Planck CMB data in CDM, with Lyman-a favoring a steeper MPS slope at smaller scales.

We find that while simple dark radiation models improve the Hubble tension, they worsen the fit to Lyman-a data. However, models with DM-DR interactions showpromise in addressing both tensions simultaneously.

The talk is in 469 Lauritsen.

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