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Thursday, December 05, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Linde Hall 310

LA Probability Forum

Convergence of Pfaffian Point Processes to the Airy Line Ensemble
Zhengye Zhou, Department of Mathematics, USC,

Recent years have seen significant progress in understanding fluctuations in half-space models within the KPZ universality class.  In this talk I will discuss a Pfaffian Schur process, which is a measure on a sequence of partitions, which was introduced by Borodin and Rains as a Pfaffian analog of the determinantal Schur processes introduced by Okounkov and Reshetikhin. The model we investigate arises in a half-quadrant last passage percolation model, which has i.i.d. geometric weights with parameter $\alpha \in (0,1)$ off of the main diagonal and with parameter $c \in (0, \alpha^{-1})$ on the main diagonal. We show that when $c$ is subcritical the line ensembles formed by the parts of our random partitions converge uniformly over compact sets to the Airy line ensemble, and when $c$ is critically scaled with the size of the system the ensemble instead converges to the Airy wanderer line ensemble with a single parameter. 

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