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Announcing the 2023-24 Watson Lecture Season

Announcing the 2023-24 Watson Lecture Season

Katie Neith
The 101st season of Caltech's Watson Lectures will feature new engagement activities in addition to the stimulating talks on research and innovation for which the series is known.
Exterior Beckman Auditorium with Caltech logo block letter sign
WAVE Alumni Return to Caltech for Grad School

WAVE Alumni Return to Caltech for Grad School

Julia Ehlert
Meet seven incoming graduate students who found their future at Caltech.
Photos of seven students
Caltech Labs Go Green: New Program Facilitates Sustainable Research Practices

Caltech Labs Go Green: New Program Facilitates Sustainable Research Practices

Julia Ehlert
The Green Labs program provides sustainability resources, certification, and support for research labs at Caltech.
Echevarria Perez works in the Prober lab
Caltech Outreach Captivates Crowds at City of STEM and Los Angeles Maker Faire

Caltech Outreach Captivates Crowds at City of STEM and Los Angeles Maker Faire

Julia Ehlert
Caltech students shared research and science demonstrations with families at Los Angeles STEAM engagement fair
Caltech students share a demonstration with a young girl
2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

As the end of 2022 quickly approaches, Caltech News looks back at our coverage of the research, discoveries, events, and experiences that shaped the Institute. Here are some highlights.
2022 Year in Review collage
2021: Year in Review

2021: Year in Review

Kathy Svitil
A look back at the Institute news of 2021.
A collage of science images
Three Faculty Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Three Faculty Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Lori Dajose
Alexei Kitaev, Ellen Rothenberg, and Anneila Sargent (MS '67, PhD '77) have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, in a year where a record number of women have been elected.
Women Advocating for Women

Women Advocating for Women

Judy Hill
Women-led groups across campus provide support and community, an effect that is multiplied when they come together under the umbrella of Caltech's Women's Engagement Board.
a blue tie dye t-shirt with the logo for women in BBE
The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The new issue focuses on the opening of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Neuroscience Research Building, a vital new hub for interdisciplinary research on the brain.
cover art from issue 12 of The Caltech Effect, an illustration of the new Chen building on campus
2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

Reflecting on community achievements in a year of international upheaval
Composition of images from highlighted stories throughout 2020
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