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Linda Ye

Assistant Professor of Physics
Contact information for Linda Ye
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Mail Code: MC 149-33
Office: West Bridge
Phone: 626-395-3907
B.S., Tsinghua University, 2012; M.E., University of Tokyo, 2014; Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020. Visiting Associate, Caltech 2022-23, Assistant Professor, 2023-.
Research Areas: Physics


Dr. Linda Ye joined the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy as an Assistant Professor of Physics at California Institute of Technology from September 2023. Dr. Ye's research focuses on designing topological and correlated quantum materials via materials synthesis, high precision transport measurements in combination with cryogenic strain tuning.  She pioneered in the discovery of an emerging class of novel quantum materials termed "kagome metals". Ye received the Block Award from Aspen Center for Physics in 2020. She received her doctoral degree in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2020 and obtained her M. Eng. in Applied Physics from the University of Tokyo in 2014, and B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics from Tsinghua University in 2012.

For more please visit https://q-mat.caltech.edu/

Selected Awards

Marvin Chodorow Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, 2020-22

Martin and Beate Block Winter Award, Aspen Center for Physics, 2020

Heising-Simons Physics Research Fellow, MIT, 2019


Ph 135. Introduction to Condensed Matter. 9 units (3-0-6): first term. Prerequisites: Ph 125 ab or equivalent or instructor's permission. This course is an introduction to condensed matter which covers electronic properties of solids, including band structures, and transport. In addition, the course will introduce topological band-structure effects, covering Berry phase, the Thouless pump, and topological insulators. Ph 135 is continued by Ph/APh 223 ab in the winter and spring terms. Instructor: Ye.

Selected Publications

L. Ye, S. Fang, M. Kang, J. Kaufmann, Y. Lee, C. John, P. M. Neves, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, E. Kaxiras, D. C. Bell, O. Janson, R. Comin and J. G. Checkelsky, "A flat band-induced correlated kagome metal", arXiv/2106.10824. (to appear in Nature Physics)

L. Ye, Y. Sun, V. Sunko, J. F. Rodriguez-Nieva, M. S. Ikeda, T. Worasaran, M. E. Sorensen, M. D. Bachmann, J. Orenstein and I. R. Fisher, "Elastocaloric signatures of symmetric and antisymmetric strain-tuning of quadrupolar and magnetic phases in DyB2C2", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 120, 2302800120 (2023).

M. Kang*, L. Ye*, S. Fang, J.-S. You, A. Levitan, M. Han, J. I. Facio, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, M. K. Chan, R. D. McDonald, D. Graf, K. Kaznatcheev, E. Vescovo, D. C. Bell, E. Kaxiras, J. van den Brink, M. Richter, M. P. Ghimire, J. G. Checkelsky and R. Comin, "Dirac fermions and flat bands in the ideal kagome metal FeSn", Nat. Mater. 19, 163-169 (2020).

L. Ye, M. K. Chan, R. D. McDonald, D. Graf, M. Kang, J. Liu, T. Suzuki, R. Comin, L. Fu and J. G. Checkelsky, "de Haas-van Alphen effect of correlated Dirac states in kagome metal Fe3Sn2", Nat. Commun. 10, 4870 (2019).

L. Ye*, M. Kang*, J. Liu, F. von Cube, C. R. Wicker, T. Suzuki, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, D. C. Bell, L. Fu, R. Comin and J. G. Checkelsky, "Massive Dirac fermions in a ferromagnetic kagome metal", Nature 555, 638 (2018).