Resources for Current Students
People you should know in the Physics Option

Dave monitors graduate student policies in the department including the course and exam requirements. Students should consult with Dave when selecting the candidacy, TAC, and defense committee. Dave is available to sign student forms and petitions if Ryan is not available.
Ryan Patterson, Option Representative
Ryan monitors student academic progress and signs most of the graduate forms and petitions you are likely to encounter. As option rep, he approves your plan of study for the advanced physics requirement, approves your candidacy, TAC, and defense committees, and approves completion of degree milestones. Ryan also manages the graduate teaching assignments in physics.
Nam Ung, PMA Student Programs Director
Nam is a resource for students and liaison between students, faculty, and graduate administration. He works closely with the graduate option representative and EO to support the graduate programs within the division. Nam coordinates academic tracking, advising, graduate admissions, recruitment, student work assignments, and student engagement in PMA.
Mika Walton, PMA Graduate Affairs Coordinator
Mika helps with administrative issues that physics graduate students are likely to encounter at Caltech. She can help with scheduling written candidacy exams, booking rooms for oral candidacy exam and thesis defense, problems with funding or paychecks, joining or switching research groups, interfacing with the graduate office, handling various types of leaves, funding changes, etc.
Belen Maria, PMA Undergraduate Affairs and Course Coordinator
Belen provides support for all physics courses, including assisting with TA assignments, coordinating TA training, and organizing course logistics. See Belen if you have a question about a course you are TAing, need help with homework or exam turn in and return, booking a room for a course, ordering food for a course, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
What am I supposed to do in REGIS? - Descriptions of what to enter in REGIS are in the grey boxes on the PhD Requirements page
Conference travel funding for physics graduate students
Physics Graduate Students may apply for the David and Barbara Groce travel fund, which covers up to $500 annually, for travel and registration to attend scientific conferences/meetings. Additional travel funding can be applied for through the Graduate Studies Office.
Apply for the physics conference travel here!
Link to graduate office funding
PMA Division and Campus Resources
Visit the PMA Students Programs page for more resources, opportunities, and more!