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Previous Funding Opportunities

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Resnick Sustainability Institute Call for Small Scale Proposals April 15, 2020 The Resnick Sustainability Institute (RSI) at Caltech is pleased to announce a call for small scale proposals (up to $120K in total direct costs over a period of two years). This call will prioritize proposals that address significant challenges and opportunities associated with climate change and the stewardship of natural resources. This call is in lieu of a call for Resnick graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, and will enable the RSI to be nimble in responding to exciting opportunities in various forms from across the campus. We are at the same time moving forward with plans to define larger scale opportunities for early investments and will continue engaging the campus community throughout the process.
OPRA Association (Open Problems in Nuclear Physics & Particle Physics) Grants April 22, 2020 The OPRA Association seeks to fund researchers who wish to investigate the discrepancies between existing theories and experimental findings, and the mathematical consistency of physical theories. Too often such findings do not receive the attention they deserve. Our belief is that these findings may well be the basis for groundbreaking theories, and therefore should get special attention to overpower the inertia of supporters of presently accepted theories and their instinctive tendency to marginalize such findings.

Nowadays our focus is turned to the field of Particle Physics. We have collected a list of a few dozen well documented experimental discoveries which meet our requirements, i.e. being unaligned with incumbent theories.
Schwartz/Reisman Collaborative Science Program April 27, 2020 The Schwartz/Reisman Collaborative Science Program has been made possible through the generosity of the Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation. The objectives of this program are to support joint projects pursuing fundamental research in diverse domains of science of interest to both institutions.

By encouraging and supporting collaborations between researchers at Weizmann and Caltech, the donors hope to increase and strengthen the ties between the two institutions and to promote scientific discoveries that will have high impact in various scientific fields of importance to both institutions and society.
2020 KISS Solicitation for Follow-on Technical Development Proposals April 1, 2020 The Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) is soliciting follow-on technical development proposals from Caltech Campus faculty who have been participants in previous KISS Study Programs.

The goal of the Keck Institute is to develop new space science and engineering ideas and concepts. KISS will provide seed funding for one selected proposal to advance technical development in promising areas identified by previous KISS study programs.
2020 Breakthrough Prize April 1, 2020 The Breakthrough Prize is a set of international awards bestowed in three categories by Breakthrough Prize Board in recognition of scientific advance. The awards are part of several "Breakthrough" initiatives founded and funded by Yuri Milner and his wife Julia Milner, along with Breakthrough Initiatives and Breakthrough Junior Challenge.

Laureates receive $3 million each in prize money. They attend a televised award ceremony designed to celebrate their achievements and inspire the next generation of scientists. As part of the ceremony schedule, they also engage in a program of lectures and discussions.
2020 Princess of Asturias Awards March 5, 2020 The Princess of Asturias Awards are intended to reward scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian work carried out at an international level by individuals, institutions, or groups of individuals or institutions. Awards are conferred for eight (8) different categories: the Arts, Literature, Social Sciences, Communication and Humanities, Technical and Scientific Research, International Cooperation, Concord, and Sports.
2020 Rising Star in Physics Workshop February 10, 2020 The Department of Physics at Princeton invites top early career women in physics and astronomy who are interested in careers in academia to apply to the Rising Stars in Physics Workshop to be held on the Princeton University campus.

This workshop will bring the next generation of physics academic leaders together for two days of scientific discussions and informal sessions aimed at navigating the early stages of the academic career. In addition to research presentations, we will hold panel discussions with Princeton and Invited faculty on issues relevant to academic careers, have opportunities for informal networking with faculty members at Princeton, and set aside time for the participants to get to know each other and form connections that will hopefully persist through time.
Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians January 30, 2020 The Simons Foundation's Mathematics and Physical Sciences division invites applications for Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians to stimulate collaboration in the field primarily through the funding of travel and related expenditures.
L'Oréal USA For Women in Science Program January 31, 2020 The L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five women postdoctoral scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each for their contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations. The program is the U.S. component of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Fellowships program. Celebrating its sixteenth year in the U.S., the For Women in Science program has awarded 80 postdoctoral women scientists over $4 million grants.

L'Oréal USA partners with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to manage the program's application and peer-review process. Each year, the program attracts talented applicants from diverse STEM fields, representing some of the nation's leading academic institutions and laboratories.
World Economic Forum Young Scientist Class of 2020 January 31, 2020 The Young Scientists community was created in 2009 to convene rising-star reserachers and engage them in the work of the World Economic Forum. Committed to improving the state of the world, the Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship January 13, 2020 The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) aims to provide opportunities to enrich the training of graduate students in the Mathematical Sciences through the provision of an NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship Program. This program will provide an opportunity for mathematical sciences doctoral students to participate in internships at federal national laboratories and research facilities. Participation in an internship will provide first-hand experience of the use of mathematics in a nonacademic setting. The internships are aimed at students who are interested in understanding the application of advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to "real world" problems, regardless of whether the student plans to pursue an academic or nonacademic career.
Two Sigma PhD Fellowship December 30, 2019 The Two Sigma PhD Fellowship supports doctoral students pursuing a PhD in a STEM field such as Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Finance/Econometrics at an accredited university in the United States. Applications are assessed based on the student's research proposal, publications and recommendation letters.
NSF Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP) December 19, 2019 (preliminary Proposal) A vigorous Mid-Scale Innovations Program (MSIP) was recommended by the 2010 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, citing "many highly promising projects for achieving diverse and timely science." As described in this solicitation, the Division of Astronomical Sciences conducts a mid-scale program to support a variety of astronomical activities within a cost range up to $30M. This program is formally divided into four subcategories: 1) limited term, self-contained science projects; 2) longer term mid-scale facilities; 3) development investments for future mid-scale and large-scale projects; and 4) community open access capabilities. MSIP will emphasize both strong scientific merit and a well-developed plan for student training and involvement of a diverse workforce in instrumentation, facility development, or data management.
Ford Foundation Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs December 10, 2019 Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
J. Yang and Family Foundation December 2, 2019 Funding is available through a generous gift from the J Yang & Family Foundation to support research collaborations between Caltech and Taiwanese scholars, as well as funding for two graduate fellowships for students of superior academic achievement from Taiwan.

Research projects in any discipline will be selected for support by a faculty committee (Nai-Chang Yeh, Kaushik Bhattacharya, and Douglas Rees) based on the following criteria:
• the depth of partnership with one or more Taiwanese scholars
• likelihood of travel between the U.S. and Taiwan
• involvement of graduate or undergraduate students
• availability or potential for additional funding that would underpin success
• a well-developed research plan.

The faculty committee will consider both new projects for which the J Yang & Family Foundation could help launch a research endeavor, as well as active projects poised to achieve meaningful results. The primary investigators may use the funds in support of travel costs including visas and travel documents, field research, meetings or conferences, small research equipment and supplies, and salary support for research assistants.

A total of $50K annually is available through the J Yang & Family Foundation for this purpose, to be distributed among all selected projects.

A 2 page proposal addressing the above criteria maybe submitted to Applications will be reviewed commencing December 2, 2019.

In addition, the J. Yang Scholarship provides funding for two graduate fellowships each year that include a stipend of $35,000, and full tuition and fees coverage. A letter of nomination from the candidate's academic advisor outlining the candidates' eligibility and promise for research, along with a current CV for the student are required. Nominations should be submitted to by December 2, 2019
NSF Critizal-Zone Collaborative Network December 2, 2019 NSF seeks proposals to establish an adaptive and responsive research network that supports investigations of the Earth's Critical Zone. This network will consist of two components that will work together to advance knowledge, education, and outreach in this convergent science: 1) Thematic Clusters of fixed or temporary locations will conduct basic research on significant, overarching scientific questions concerning the structure, function, and processes of the Critical Zone. These U.S.-based Clusters could include existing observatories engaged in collecting environmental data, other monitoring locations that have been in operation for extended periods of time, and new sites that will support the scientific goals of the Cluster; 2) A Coordinating Hub that will oversee the compatibility and archiving of the data resulting from the Thematic Clusters, coordinate outreach and community-building activities, support the use of network facilities by outside researchers, and plan for infrastructure needs of the network.