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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Watson 104

Applied Physics Seminar

Coherent Optics and Hybrid Silicon—III-V Devices
Amnon Yariv, Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and professor of electrical engineering, Caltech,
Speaker's Bio:
Amnon Yariv is the Martin and Eileen Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Caltech. He obtained the B.S. (1954), M.S. (1956) and Ph.D. (1958) in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He went to the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey in 1959, joining the early stages of the laser effort. He came to the California Institute of Technology in 1964. On the technical and scientific side, he took part (with various co-workers) in the discovery of a number of early solid state laser systems, in proposing and demonstrating the field of semiconductor integrated optics, the suggestion and demonstration of the semiconductor distributed feedback laser and in co-pioneering the field of phase conjugate optics. His present research efforts are in the areas of nonlinear optics, semiconductor lasers and integrated optics with emphasis on communication and computation. Dr. Yariv is a member of the American Physical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Optical Society of America. He was the recipient of the 1980 Quantum Electronics Award of the IEEE, the 1985 University of Pennsylvania Pender Award, the 1986 Optical Society of America Ives Medal, the 1992 Harvey Prize, the 1998 OSA Beller Medal, an honorary doctorate, December 2000 from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and received a Laurea Honoris Causa, September 2007 from Universita' degli Studi dellÂ’Aquila. Dr. Yariv was a founder and chairman-of-the-board of ORTEL Corporation (acquired by Lucent Technologies in 1998), and is a founder and a board member of a number of startup companies in the optical communications field.
"Coherent Optics and Hybrid Silicon—III-V Devices," Amnon Yariv, Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and professor of electrical engineering, Caltech.
For more information, please contact Eric Ostby by phone at 2194 or by email at [email protected].