Gender Minorities & Women in PMA (GWiPMA)
Gender Minorities and Women in Physics, Math and Astronomy (GWiPMA) aims to support undergraduate, graduate and postdoc gender minorities and women in the PMA division by creating an inclusive community and providing opportunities for professional and personal development. We achieve this by inviting women scientists to campus as speakers, hosting workshops aimed at building skills and confidence, discussing peer-reviewed studies related to gender in STEM, and holding social events for all gender minorities and women in the PMA department.
GWiPMA Resources: Information compiled from past events for your reference
To contact GWiPMA, please email:
Madison Howard, Co-President (
Elsie Loukiantchenko, Co-President (
Instagram:@CaltechGWiPMA | Twitter:@CaltechGWiPMA
Join our listserv here!
Provide anonymous feedback here.
*We use an inclusive definition of "woman" and "female" and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women and non-binary people and their allies. We believe in supporting the many intersections of our members' identities, such as (but not limited to) race, sexual orientation, gender expression, socioeconomic class, immigrant status, and indigenous status.