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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Watson 104

Applied Physics Seminar

The Optical Antenna: A Versatile Tool for Nanophotonics
Ken Crozier, assistant professor of electrical engineering, Harvard University,
Speaker's Bio:
Ken Crozier is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Harvard University. His work has been featured in MIT Technology Review, Newsweek and Laser Focus World. He received his undergraduate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics at the University of Melbourne, Australia. On graduating from the University of Melbourne, he was awarded the L.R. East Medal (university medal in engineering). He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University under Professors Calvin Quate and Gordon Kino.
"The Optical Antenna: A Versatile Tool for Nanophotonics," Ken Crozier, assistant professor of electrical engineering, Harvard University.
For more information, please contact Eric Ostby by phone at 2194 or by email at [email protected] or visit