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Monday, April 02, 2012
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Annenberg 105

Applied Mathematics Colloquium

The Laplacian Paradigm: Emerging Algorithms for Massive Graphs
Shanghua Teng, Chair, Department of Computer Science, USC,
Speaker's Bio:
Shang-Hua Teng is the Seeley G. Mudd Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Department at USC Viterbi School of Engineering. He received a dual B.S. degree in computer science and electrical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1985, M.S. degree in computer science from USC in 1988, and Ph.D. degree in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 1991. He was an instructor in the Department of Mathematics of MIT and professor in the Computer Science Departments of Boston University, the University of Minnesota and UIUC. He has worked and consulted for Microsoft Research, Akamai, IBM Almaden Research Center, Intel Corporation, Xerox PARC, Cray Research/SGI, Thinking Machines Corporation, and NASA Ames Research Center. He has received more than ten US Patents for his work on compiler optimization, Internet technology, and social network analysis. <br><br> Teng's main research is in algorithm design, analysis, and applications. He and coauthor Dan Spielman received the Gödel Prize (2008) and Fulkerson Prize (2009) for developing Smoothed Analysis, a framework to explain the practical performance of the simplex algorithm for linear programming. His recent work addresses Spectral Graph Theory & the Laplacian Paradigm and its applications to maximum flows, for which he and coauthors Paul Christiano, Jon Kelner, Aleksander Madry, and Dan Spielman received the best paper award at ACM STOC 2011. In addition, he has conducted research in Algorithmic Game Theory, where he is known for his joint paper with Xi Chen and Xiaotie Deng for resolving the complexity for computing an approximate Nash equilibrium and his joint papers on market equilibria. Teng is also interested in mathematical board games. Kyle Burke, his former Ph.D. student, and he designed & analyzed a game called Atropos, which is played on the Sperner's triangle and based on the beautiful, celebrated Sperner's Lemma. Teng's past research interests include scientific computing, Internet algorithms, computational geometry, percolation theory, compiler optimization, parallel algorithms, cryptography, computer graphics and three-dimensional mesh generation, where he had obtained fundamental results in geometric separators, well-shaped Delaunay meshing, spectral graph partition, N-body simulation, and robust statistics. Teng is an ACM Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, winner of Senior Xerox Award for Outstanding Faculty Research (UIUC), and NSF CAREER Award.
In Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, we often represent a graph by its adjacency matrix. This linear algebraic view of graphs can be very useful. For example, it has facilitated the design of the fast algorithm for the shortest path problem, the introduction of PageRank, and the development of spectral graph theory.

In this talk, I focus on the Laplacian matrix, a simple modification of the adjacency matrix. The Laplacian matrix had been extensively used for partitioning graphs that arise in VLSI design and high-performance computing. As the starting point of our discussion, I will show that every Laplacian matrix can be inverted efficiently, that is, the linear system Ax = b, where A is the Laplacian matrix, can be solved in nearly linear time. I then describe an emerging paradigm, which we refer to as the Laplacian Paradigm, for the design of efficient algorithms for massive graphs. This paradigm is built on the nearly-linear time Laplacian solver as well as a few other algorithms (such as for local clustering, graph sparsification, and high quality spanning trees) developed for supporting this solver.

I will discuss some recent progress in applying the Laplacian paradigm. Our first example will be the nearly linear time solution to a problem that we all learned in high school, that is, to determine the electrical flows in a circuit of resistors. We then show by solving a sequence of electrical flow problems we obtain the fastest algorithm for computing an approximate maximum s-t flow in an undirected graph. Recently, significant improvements have been made to the Laplacian solver and practical implementation might become available in the near future.

The goal of this presentation is to encourage more researchers to consider the use of the Laplacian Paradigm to develop faster algorithms for solving fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization, scientific computing, machine learning, network analysis, and other applications that involve massive graphs.

Joint work with Daniel Spielman (Yale) and Paul Christiano (MIT), Jonathan Kelner (MIT), and Aleksander Madry (MIT).
For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by phone at x4555 or by email at [email protected] or visit