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Tuesday, May 01, 2012
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Annenberg 105

Special Seminar in Applied Mathematics

Microstrip Reflectarrays for Large-Aperture Interferometric Radars
Sembiam Rengarajan, CSU Northridge/JPL,
Speaker's Bio:
Sembiam R. Rengarajan received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. Presently he is a professor at California State University, Northridge and a faculty-part-time at JPL. He has held visiting professorships at UCLA, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, University of Pretoria, South Africa, and the Technical University of Denmark. He has served as a consultant to Saab Ericsson Space, Sweden, Lockheed Martin, and US Navy among others. Dr. Rengarajan has contributed to more than 200 journal and conference papers in antennas and electromagnetics. He is a Fellow of IEEE and has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (AP). He has received several certificates of recognition and board awards from NASA for his technical contributions to the Deep Space Network Ground Systems Antennas and to the Spacecraft Antenna Research group at JPL. Dr. Rengarajan is a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE AP Society during 2011-13 and serves as the Chair of the USNC-URSI Commission on Waves and Fields during 2012-14.
Microstrip reflectarray antennas have been investigated for numerous ground and space applications because of their desirable characteristics such as low profile, and ease of design, manufacture, and deployment. Reflectarrays employ printed elements of variable size, stub length, or orientation to collimate the radiation along the direction of interest. Future space based remote sensing instruments will require ever increasing antenna aperture sizes. The large aperture size of reflectarrays severely limits their operating frequency bandwidth because of the modulo 2Π phase shift produced by each element at the design frequency for beam collimation. Piecewise planar parabolic (PPP) reflectarrays obviate this bandwidth limitation. In this talk we will describe the theory and properties of microstrip reflectarrays. Recent developments in reflectarrays presented in the current literature will be reviewed. Design and analysis of fully planar and PPP reflectarrays employing rectangular patch elements for dual-polarization dual-beam applications will be presented. Determination of the reflection phase of the infinite array of microstrip patch elements, illuminated by a plane wave will also be discussed.
For more information, please contact Carmen Sirois by phone at 4561 or by email at [email protected].