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Monday, March 10, 2008
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Kerckhoff 119

Applied Physics Seminar

Recent Advances in Organic Nonlinear Optics and Photonics
Savas Tay, postdoctoral researcher, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona,
Speaker's Bio:
Savas Tay has recently earned his PhD from the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona with Nasser Peyghambarian. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the same group. His research interests include biomedical technologies, nonlinear optics, nanotechnology and photonics.
"Recent Advances in Organic Nonlinear Optics and Photonics," Savas Tay, postdoctoral researcher, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona.
For more information, please contact Eric Ostby by email at [email protected].