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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Watson 104

Applied Physics Seminar

Towards Fusion Energy for Space Propulsion
Setthivoine You, department of electrical engineering, University of Tokyo,
Speaker's Bio:
M.Sci., Physics, Imperial College, London, UK (1997) Ph.D., Physics, Imperial College, London, UK (2002) Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech (2002‐2006) Foreign Postdoctoral Fellowship and Research grant – Japan Soc. for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (2007‐2009)
"Towards Fusion Energy for Space Propulsion," Setthivoine You, department of electrical engineering, University of Tokyo.
For more information, please contact Eleonora Vorobieff by phone at 626-395-8124 or by email at [email protected].