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Friday, February 08, 2013
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cahill 370

TAPIR Seminar

Cosmology 2017: Testing Gravity, Dark Energy, and Neutrinos
Eric Linder, Co-Director, Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,

Nearly 15 years after discovery of the acceleration of the universe, where does our understanding of the physics stand, and what lies ahead?  Beyond the equation of state of dark energy there is its microphysics, the laws of gravity and growth of structure.  I highlight the upcoming revolution from mapping the cosmological density and velocity fields in 3D and its potential to greatly improve tests of cosmology, gravity, and neutrino mass -- in the next 5 years.

For more information, please contact JoAnn Boyd by phone at 4280 or by email at [email protected].