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Monday, September 16, 2013
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
East Bridge 114

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar

Topological Order on the Surface of Three Dimensional Topological Insulators
Xie Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley,

The surfaces of three dimensional topological insulators (3D TI) are generally described as Dirac metals, with a single Dirac cone. It was previously believed that a gapped surface implied breaking of either time reversal or charge conservation symmetry. Here we discuss a novel possibility in the presence of interactions, a surface phase that preserves all the symmetries but is nevertheless gapped and insulating. The surface develops a topological order similar to the nonabelian quantum Hall (Moore-Read) Pfaffian state. When realized in 2D, it has a Hall conductance of 1/2 and hence explicitly breaks time reversal symmetry. However, by constructing exactly solvable models, we show that it can appear as the time reversal symmetric surface state of 3D TI.

For more information, please contact Jonathan Gross by email at [email protected].