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Tuesday, October 08, 2013
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Annenberg 107

Institute for Quantum Information Seminar

Simulation of dynamical abelian and no-abelian lattice gauge theories with cold atoms
Benni Reznik, Tel-Aviv University,

Quantum simulations of High Energy Physics, and of gauge field theories, is an emerging and exciting direction in quantum simulations. Compared with condensed matter simulations however, such simulations are more demanding because of the additional requirements involving
local gauge symmetries, Lorentz invariance, and the inclusion of both Fermions and Bosons, that are needed for describing matter and force mediators. Explicit models of analog simulators of LGT have been recently proposed for systems of cold atoms in optical lattices.
In particular, it turns out that local gauge invariance, can be based and derived from the fundamental symmetries of the given atomic cold atomic interactions and conservation laws.

This then provides methods for simulating elementary gauge invariant field theories, such as compact-QED (U(1)), and SU(N) Yang-Mills theories. It suggests that fundamental HEP phonomena, such as dynamical quark confinement, and exotic QCD phases, that are currently inaccessible to classical simulations,  can be explored in "table-top" experiments with cold atoms. 

For more information, please contact Ann Harvey by phone at 626-395-4964 or by email at [email protected] or visit Institute for Quantum Information Seminar.