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Friday, May 09, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Geometry and Topology Seminar

Categorification at a prime root of unity
Mikhail Khovanov, Professor, Mathematics, Columbia University,

Many quantum invariants of links are controlled by the representation
theory of quantum groups at generic value of the parameter q,
while quantum invariants of 3-manifolds require specializing q to a root
of unity. Categorification of link invariants and quantum groups
is well-understood when q is generic. We will consider categorification
of some of these structures when q is a root of unity of prime order p.
This categorification happens over a field of characteristic p and
requires working with p-complexes, where the
p-th power rather than the second power of the differential is zero.
Homology groups of complexes generalize to objects of the stable
category of modules over certain finite-dimensional Hopf algebras, and
the notion of a differential graded algebra is substituted by a p-dg
algebra, an algebra with a nilpotent p-derivation. Categorical
liftings of the defining relations in quantum groups will be explained
in this setup.

For more information, please contact Yi Ni by email at [email protected].