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Tuesday, June 10, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cahill, Hameetman Auditorium

Caltech/JPL Association for Gravitational-Wave Research Seminar

Cosmology with gravitational-wave detection
Chiara Caprini, CEA Saclay,
Gravitational waves can constitute a unique probe of the primordial universe. In many cases, the characteristic frequency of the emitted GW is directly related to the energy scale at which the GW source is operating: consequently, different GW detectors can probe different energy scales in the evolution of the universe. After a general introduction to the subject, this seminar reviews some of the principal cosmological sources of a stochastic background of GW, and discuss their detection prospects.
For more information, please contact Michele Vallisneri by phone at (818) 393-7634 or by email at [email protected].