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Monday, September 08, 2014
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Watson 104

Applied Physics Seminar

Nonlinear and active nanoplasmonics: fundamental studies and new applications
Stefan Maier, Professor, Imperial College London,

In this seminar I will give an update on recent activities of the nanoplasmonics group at Imperial College London, focusing on new applications of plasmonics nanoantennas for nonlinear nanophotonics and the modification of light emission from nano emitters. Specifically, hybrid nano systems for highly efficient higher harmonic generation will be discussed, and emitter/nanoantenna complexes for applications as tags in super-resolution microscopy. The second part of the seminar will present a number of recent studies including ultrafast plasmonic nano lasers, nano antennas for directional routing of light, and give an outlook on future work.

Stefan Maier obtained his PhD in Applied Physics at Caltech in 2003, on studies of energy transport in metal nanoparticle chains in the group of Harry Atwater. After a postdoc with Oskar Painter, in 2004 he moved to a lectureship to the University of Bath in the UK, and subsequently to Imperial College London to a chair in nanophotonics (2008). Currently deputy head of solid state physics in the Physics Department, his group studies fundamental and applied topics in nanophotonics.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Kimoto by phone at x. 3330 or by email at [email protected].