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Friday, October 24, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lauritsen 469

High Energy Theory Seminar

Making Supersymmetric Quivers from N=(0,2) Sigma Models
Arkady Vainshtein, University of Minnesota,

We show how to construct quiver-like (0,2) sigma models starting from few copies of (2,2) CP(N-1) models. These "quivers" present a natural generalization of the non-minimally deformed (2,2) model with an extra (0,2) fermion superfield on tangent bundle T CP(N-1)xC^{1} considered previously. Witten's index for this heterotically modified model vanishes,and spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry occurs.  Although the index vanishes in the quiver models as well a remarkable feature of the models is an absence of the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We study supersymmetric vacua and determine the particle spectrum in the large-N limit. It is argued that (0,2) supersymmetry is not spontaneously broken even beyond the leading-N approximation. We then examine the exact beta functions of our quiver (0,2) sigma models and show that under certain conditions they develop an infrared fixed point in the perturbative domain.

For more information, please contact Carol Silberstein by email at [email protected] or visit