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Friday, October 17, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Geometry and Topology Seminar

The moduli space of S1-type zero loci for Z2-harmonic spinors in dimension 3
Ryosuke Takahashi, Mathematics, Harvard University,

In 2012, Clifford H. Taubes proved a generalized Uhlenbeck's compactness theorem for the PSL(2,C)-bundles on compact 3-dimensional smooth manifolds. This theorem, however, gives us a pair of interesting data to study. This pair of data can be written as (Z, v) where Z is a closed, Hausdorff dimensional 1 subset of M and v is a Z2-harmonic spinor defined on the complement of Z with its norm extending to Z and vanishing on Z. In this talk, we will consider the case that Z is the image of a C1-embedding v: S1 → M. we construct a moduli space consisting of the following data (Z, v) where Z is the image of a C1-embedding v: S1 → M and v is a Z_2-harmonic spinor vanishing on Z satisfying |v|L21=1. We will prove that this moduli space can be parametrized by the space Met = { all Riemannian metrics on M } as a Lipschitz manifold.

For more information, please contact Subhojoy Gupta by email at [email protected].