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Friday, December 04, 2015
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Lauritsen 469

High Energy Theory Seminar

Supersymmetric flavors on curved space and a precision test of AdS/CFT
Christopher Uhelmann, Univ of Washington,

Quantum field theory on curved space has long been studied for its interesting phenomenology, and in more recent years as a means to obtain exact results in supersymmetric theories. In this talk I will describe the holographic dual for N=4 SYM coupled to massive N=2 flavors on AdS_4 and S^4, which reveals an interesting phase structure in both cases. I will discuss a topology-changing phase transition for S^4 and -- to firmly establish probe-brane constructions as an extra ingredient in AdS/CFT -- confront holographic computations with exact field theory results obtained using supersymmetric localization.

For more information, please contact Carol Silberstein by email at [email protected] or visit