Thursday, December 03, 2015
3:00 PM -
4:00 PM
Geometry and Physics
Series: Number Theory Seminar Series
The Donaldson-Thomas theory of K3xE and the Igusa cusp form
Jim Bryan,
Professor of Mathematics,
University of British Columbia,
Donaldson-Thomas invariants are fundamental deformation invariants of Calabi-Yau threefolds. We describe a recent conjecture of Oberdieck and Pandharipande which predicts that the (three variable) generating function for the Donaldson-Thomas invariants of K3xE is given by the reciprocal of the Igusa cusp form of weight 10. For each fixed K3 surface of genus g, the conjecture predicts that the corresponding (two variable) generating function is given by a particular meromorphic Jacobi form. We prove the conjecture for K3 surfaces of genus 0 and genus 1. Our computation uses a new technique which mixes motivic and toric methods.
Event Sponsors:
For more information, please contact Tom Graber by email at [email protected].