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Thursday, April 07, 2016
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Number Theory Seminar

Hodge classes on products of quaternionic Shimura varieties
Kartik Prasanna, Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan,

I will discuss the relation between Langlands functoriality and the theory of algebraic cycles in one of the simplest instances of functoriality, namely the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for Hilbert modular forms. In this case, functoriality gives rise to a family of Tate classes on products of quaternionic Shimura varieties. The Tate conjecture predicts that these classes come from an algebraic cycle, which in turn should give rise to a Hodge class that is compatible with the Tate classes. While we cannot yet prove the Tate conjecture in this context, I will outline an unconditional proof of the existence of such a Hodge class. This is joint work (in progress) with A. Ichino.

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