Thursday, August 04, 2016
10:00 AM -
11:00 AM
Powell-Booth 100 (Seminar Room)
CD3 Seminar
Series: CD3 Seminar Series
Data integration in genomics and systems biology
Roberto Tagliaferri,
University of Salerno,
Abstract: Multi-view learning is the branch of machine learning that deals with multi modal data, i.e. with patterns represented by different sets of features. The fast spread of this learning technique is motivated by the continuing increase of real applications based on multi-view data. For example, in Bioinformatics, multiple experiments can be available (microarray gene expression, miRNA expression, RNASeq, Genome wide association studies (GWAs) and others) for a set of samples. In Bioinformatics multi-view approaches are useful since heterogeneous genome-wide data sources capture information on different aspects of complex biological systems. Each view provides a distinct facet of the same domain, but, probably, it encodes different biologically-relevant patterns. The integration of such views can provide a richer model of the functioning of the underlying system than that produced by a single view alone. This paper provides a review of the literature particularly with respect to bioinformatics, with the purpose to understand the principles and operation modes of the proposed methods and their possible applications. In order to organize the proposed methods in literature and to find similarities between them, these approaches are organized according to three categories: the type of data used in the papers, the statistical problem and the stage of integration. Bio: Roberto Tagliaferri is full professor in Computer Science at the University of Salerno. He has had courses in Computer Architecture, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, and Bioinformatics for computer scientists and biologists. He has been co-organizer of international workshops and schools on Neural Nets, Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics. He has been co-editor of special issues on international journals and of Proceedings of International Conferences . His research activity has been oriented to Computational Intelligence models and applications in the areas of Astrophysics, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics. He is chair of the IEEE CIS Italy Chapter, Senior Member of the IEEE and of INNS.
Event Sponsors:
For more information, please contact Tracy Sheffer by phone at 4116 or by email at [email protected].